Which forms are filed electronically?
- Individual:
- 482 (from 2019 onward)
- 1040/1040SS (from 2022 onward)
- Corporation:
- 480.2 (from 2019 onward)
- 480.2EC (from 2021 onward)
- 480.7OE (from 2022 onward)
- 480.3(II) (from 2023 onward)
- Payroll:
- 941/941PR (from 2022 onward)
- 940/940 SP (from 2022 onward)
- 943 (SP) (from 2022 onward)
- 944 (SP) (from 2022 onward)
Can a filing be canceled?
At this time, filings cannot be canceled according to Hacienda’s instructions. If you file a return with incorrect or incomplete information, you must wait for it to be processed in SURI before submitting an amendment.
Can I download a file from the cloud?
It is not possible to download files from the cloud. Only returns from 2022 and previous years can be downloaded.
From which year can I use and import files in Expert Tax Cloud?
You can import and use files from Expert Tax 2018 onwards in the cloud.
Files from 2017 and earlier must be used in the desktop version.
Where do I enter the Global Preparer information?
To select a global preparer, you must fill in the information at account.experttax.com in the Specialists area. To see the manual on how to configure the Global Preparer, click here.
What does the "Error" message "Your tax return was not filed" mean?
If you receive the following message when filing:
"Error" Your tax return was not filed. We have found one or more errors in the electronic transmission format. Our team has been notified and will work on this as soon as possible. Please try again later or contact our support team.
It means that we have identified an error in the XML format of the tax return. There is no need to create a help request, as we automatically receive a notification of the situation. You will be notified via email once you can attempt to file again. This error may occur with some tax returns while others may file without any issues.
What browser should I use?
The recommended browser to use is Google Chrome. You can also use Microsoft Edge and Firefox.
What are PIN, IP PIN, EFIN?
The self-selected PIN allows taxpayers to electronically sign their return by entering a five-digit PIN in the software. The PIN is five numbers that taxpayers choose to enter as their electronic signature. (Volunteers can suggest that taxpayers use their ZIP code). The number cannot be all zeros.
When you file your return the following year, you use this PIN to verify your return. If you forget your PIN, you can create a new one by validating your identity with last year's AGI.
The IP PIN is a six-digit number assigned by the IRS to victims of tax-related identity theft. You can request an IP PIN by visiting the IRS website.
Preparers need an EFIN to file electronically. You can submit an electronic application to the IRS to become an authorized IRS e-file provider. EFIN is used to identify firms that have completed the IRS e-file application to become an authorized e-file provider. After the provider completes the application and passes a suitability check, they will receive an EFIN.