To create a support ticket, follow the next steps.
- Go to and sign in with your Expert Tax credentials.
- Select Submit a request.
- Choose the type of issue for example Installation error, Compute Error etc.
- Fill all the fields of the request.
- Press Submit.
Note: In order to assist you more efficiently and quickly, we advise to specify in the description, what the program is doing and what the expected result is. Also, identifying which return have the issue, the tax year, schedule, part and line that assistance is needed.
We recommend including the URL of the return to replicate the situation. To do this, while on the return, you should copy the link that appears at the top of the page, as shown in the image below, and then paste it into the description.
If it's a case from 2022 or earlier years, the Expert Tax File will be necessary, which you can include in your request. To learn how to download files from the cloud, click here.