To set up withholding contribution calculation in the employee's payroll, follow these steps:
1. Set up the employee profile:
- Under the Employees tab, locate and select the employee for whom you want to configure the hourly calculation.
- Click on Profile to access the employee's profile.
2. Set up deductions:
- In the employee's profile, go to the Form 499-R4 tab.
- Check the Fixed Withheld Amount box.
3. Determine withholding:
- Choose whether to withhold a fixed amount or a percentage.
- Determine the fixed amount or percentage to be withheld.
- Ensure you save the changes at the bottom of the screen.
4. Calculate and review:
- Once the necessary data is entered, when creating a payroll manually, the program will automatically calculate the withheld contribution based on the provided information.
- Review the calculations to ensure everything is correct.
Note: This function is only for the purpose of payroll computation when created manually. If the payroll is created by importing from Excel, the program will bypass the configured calculation and use the withheld contribution specified in the imported file.
It is important to ensure that the information in the employee's profile is updated and correct to avoid errors in payment calculations. Additionally, if you need further assistance, please consult the user guides available in the User Guides section of our help center.