¡Product Update Available!
Discover what’s new in this update.
- List 480.6F: Fixed the issue with printing addresses.
- Schedule R - Part 1, Lines 6 and 9: Corrected line instructions in English.
- Transfer in 480.6EC: Columns now transfer correctly to Schedule R1.
- Validation in Schedule A2: Adjustments in validation options for individual taxpayers.
- Schedule M - Line 34: Now allows amounts when they are 25% or less of lines 1 and 6 in Part 2.
- Schedule CO - Page 2, Part 3, Line 4: Corrected percentage selection in English when printing.
- Validation in Schedule F1: Adjustment in validation so the column is greater than the info in line 6 of Schedule D or F1.
- Schedule R1 - Forms List: Added a column to show the entity name.
- K1 Import: Now accepts negative amounts.
- Merchant Registration Number in Schedule K: Fixed validation for the registration number.
- Validation on Page 3, Line 14: Now allows marking "Non-resident."
- Schedule R - Part 1, Lines 6 and 9: Corrected line instructions in English.
- Form 8879: Fixed the error when entering the ERO EFIN.
- XML Error (USAmountPosType): Correction of the XML error.
- Dependents: Adjusted validation to allow selection of "Aunt" or "Uncle."
- Efile: Fixed the efile system error.
- Schedule E: Validation adjustments.
- Schedule F - Page 1, Line 9: Now allows data entry.
- Specialist - IP Pin: Now the IP Pin stays when changing pages.
- Efile Steps - Continue: Pressing "Continue" now retains selected options and allows filing.
- Line 1W, Part 2: Now allows entering negative values.
- Form Update: The form is now updated for the year 2023.
- Form Version: Now creates the form with the 2023 version when starting.
- Transfer in Schedule M - Line 59: When selecting the FCP option, it now moves the amount to the AMT column.
- Schedule T - Checkbox: Fixed to allow checking the box on Page 1, Part 2.
- Print Error on Page 3: Resolved the print issue