1. Go to Add Data.
2. Select Import Payroll from Excel.
3. Download Template.
4. Complete the payroll data on the Payroll Detail tab of the template.
- Payroll Date must be in Date format.
- Do not let blank spaces between lines.
- Negative Values are not allowed (except in Peachtree template).
- Value can be empty or 0.00.
5. Once the template is complete, import the Excel to the program.
6. Select the worksheet that says Payroll Detail and press Import.
7. If the import was successful, you must see the next screen with a summary of the imported data.
8. Press Back to Dashboard and you will see the Payroll Summary.
Note: When importing a payroll template, the program would not update the amounts previously imported, it would add them up.
Example: If you imported a template with a $25,000 value, then you update the same template, changed the value to $30,000 and import it again, the program will add the amount and you will see a total of $55,000.00.
You must delete the Batch first and then import the updated template.
To eliminate the batch,
- Go to Payrolls’ tab
Press Imported Batches.
- You will see a list of Imported Payroll Batches where you can review them and if necessary, delete them.